FOSSER Drive Turbo Plus LA 10W-30

High-performance engine oil for low-emission engines
Fosser Drive Turbo Plus LA 10W-30 is an all-season, high-performance engine oil for low-emission engines. Exhaust gas turbocharging and intercooling place significantly higher mechanical and thermal demands on engine oils. These more stringent operating conditions are safely mastered even with extended oil dwell times. A reliable cold start at low external temperatures and full lubricity at high operating temperatures are ensured.
Use instructions
Fosser Drive Turbo Plus LA 10W-30 is used in particular in heavy-dutyEuro IV, Euro V and Euro VI commercial vehicle engines withexhaust aftertreatment.In addition, it can be used for commercial vehicle and passengercar diesel engines with and without charging, as well as in Ottoengines (mixed fleet). Engine oils in this performance category arerecommended for extended oil change intervals.
- Specifications: ACEA E6/E7/E9, API CK-4/SN
- Recommendations*: Caterpillar ECF-3/ECF-2/ ECF-1, Cummins CES 20086/20081, DDC 93K222/99K218, Deutz DQC IV-10LA, Mack EOS-4.5, MAN M 3477/3575/3275, DTFR 15C110 (228.51) / DTFR 15C100 (228.31), MTU Type 3.1, Renault VI RLD-4, Volvo VDS-4.5/VDS-4
Density at 15°C | DIN 51 757 | kg/m³ | 855 |
Viscosity at 40°C | DIN 51 562 | mm²/s | 78,9 |
Viscosity at 100°C | DIN 51 562 | mm²/s | 12,2 |
Viscosity index (VI) | DIN ISO 2909 | – | 151 |
Viscosity at -25°C | ASTM D 5293 | mPa.s | 5070 |
Pour point | ASTM D 7346 | °C | -39 |
COC flash point | DIN ISO 2592 | °C | 242 |
TBN | ASTM D 2896 | mg KOH/g | 9,4 |