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FOSSER Premium Longlife III 0W-30

1 Liter, 4 Liter, 5 Liter, 20 Liter, 60 Liter, 208 Liter
FOSSER Premium Longlife III 0W-30

High-performance low viscosity engine oil for passenger car engines of the latest technology


FOSSER PREMIUM Longlife III 0W-30 is a high-performance engine oil for petrol and diesel engines in passenger cars, low in sulphur, ash and phosphorus (low SAP), especially with particulate filters and exhaust aftertreatment systems from the manufacturers BMW, Mercedes-Benz, VW and Audi. Base oils of the latest technology, the completely new Ester Technology formula and high-performance additives with reduced sulphated ash content guarantee the best possible wear protection, maximum engine cleanliness, excellent cold-start behaviour, optimum lubrication reliability during cold running and extends the oil change interval.

Observe manufacturer‘s instructions!

  • Specifications: ACEA C3
  • Recommandations*: VW 504.00 / 507.00, MB 229.51 /MB 229.52, BMW Longlife-04, Porsche C30
Density at 15°CASTM D4052 kg/m³ 838  
Viscosity at 40°CASTM D455mm²/s58,7
Viscosity at 100°CASTM D455mm²/s11,9
Viscosity index (VI)ASTM D2270204
Viscosity at -40°CASTM D4684cP18900
Pour pointASTM D97°C-51
Flash point COCASTM D92°C226

* meets the requirements of the OEM manufacturer.
The stated values may vary within the usual commercial range.

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