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FOSSER Syn 75W-140 LS

20 liters, 60 liters, 208 liters
FOSSER Syn 75W-140 LS

Synthetic LS Hypoid Gear Oil


FOSSER Syn 75W-140 LS is a synthetic axle gear oil with LS-additives (Limited Slip) for use in highly loaded axle drives and multi-disc limited slip differentials.
The advantages of Fosser Syn 75W-140 LS are:

  • effective minimisation of jerk slipping and drive noise
  • very good wear protection, even at highest tooth flank load
  • distinct foam resistance
  • good corrosion protection
  • neutral to seals and non-ferrous metals
  • Longest oil change intervals thanks to excellent shear stability
  • Excellent ageing stability
  • Excellent cold flow properties
  • Reduced gear noise due to minimized vibrations
  • Excellent transaxle oil when combining manual transmission and axle drive in passenger cars with rear or mid-engine drive

Use instructions

FOSSER Syn 75W-140 LSoffers an effective reduction of axle noise when used in differentials with limited slip as well as optimum friction behaviour in combination with best wear protection.
FOSSER Syn 75W-140 LS can be used in passenger cars as well as commercial vehicles, tractors and construction machinery if an LS oil with API GL-5 approval is required.

  • Specifications: API GL-5, MIL-L-2105 C, MIL-L-2105 D
  • Recommendations*: BMW MSP/A
SAE ClassDIN 51 51275W- 140
Density at 15°CDIN ISO 3675kg/m³905
Viscosity at 40°CDIN 51 562mm²/s170
Viscosity at 100°CDIN 51 562mm²/s26,5
Viscosity index (VI)DIN ISO 2909195
PourpointDIN ISO 3016°C-51
Flash point COCDIN ISO 2592°C160

The stated values may vary within the usual commercial range.
* meets the requirements of the OEM manufacturer.

The stated values may vary within the usual commercial range.
* meets the requirements of the OEM manufacturer.

FOSSER | Engine Oil from Germany

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